Find the Rank or Position of Students or First and Second in a Group

First of all we create a table:

CREATE TABLE Student( [Name] [char](50) NULL, [Marks] [int] NULL)

  and insert some values in this table:

INSERT INTO Student VALUES ('Jacob', 70)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Sophia', 72)INSERT INTO Student VALUES(' Mason', 54)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Emma', 65)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Ethan', 39)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Isabella', 25)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Noah', 87)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Olivia', 67)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('William', 65)INSERT INTO Student VALUES(' Michael', 39)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Kallis', 47)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Ponting', 22)INSERT INTO Student VALUES('Sachin', 98)
* from Student

 To find th rank click Here;


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