Means-Ends Analysis

Q. Show how mean-ends analysis could be used to solve a problem of getting one place to another. Assume that the available operators are like walk, drive, take the bus, take a cab, and fly?

Ans. Means-Ends Analysis (MEA) is a technique used in Artificial Intelligence for controlling search in problem solving computer programs.

It is also a technique used at least since the 1950s as a creativity tool, most frequently mentioned in engineering books on design methods. Means-Ends Analysis is also a way to clarify one's thoughts when embarking on a mathematical proof. important aspect of intelligent behavior as studied in AI is goal-based problem solving, a framework in which the solution of a problem can be described by finding a sequence of actions that lead to a desirable goal. A goal-seeking system is supposed to be connected to its outside environment by sensory channels through which it receives information about the environment and motor channels through which it acts on the environment. (The term "afferent" is used to describe "inward" sensory flows, and "efferent" is used to describe "outward" motor commands.) In addition, the system has some means of storing in a memory information about the state of the environment (afferent information) and information about actions (efferent information). Ability to attain goals depends on building up associations, simple or complete.

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