Operating System

 Operating System Objective Type Questions

1) Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a relocatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This type of loading is called _________
1 Static loading
2 Dynamic loading
3 Dynamic linking
4 Overlays

Ans ) 3

2) Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk?
1 Seek time
2 Rotational time
3 Transmission time
4 Waiting time
Ans ) 1

3) The host repeatedly checks if the controller is busy until it is not. It is in a loop that status register's busy bit becomes clear. This is called _____________ and a mechanism for the hardware controller to notify the CPU that it is ready is called ___________.
1 Interrupt and Polling
2 Polling and Spooling
3 Polling and Interrupt
4 Deadlock and Starvation
Ans ) 3

4) Unix Operating System is an __________.
1 Time Sharing Operating System
2 Multi-User Operating System
3 Multi-tasking Operating System
4 All the Above
Ans ) 4

5) Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragmentation?
1 Segmentation
2 Pure demand paging
3 Swapping
4 Paging
Ans ) 1

6) Information about a process is maintained in a _________.
1 Stack
2 Translation Lookaside Buffer
3 Process Control Block
4 Program Control Block
Ans ) 3

7) Distributed OS works on the ________ principle.
1 File Foundation
2 Single system image
3 Multi system image
4 Networking image
Ans ) 2

8) The problem of fragmentation arises in ________.
1 Static storage allocation
2 Stack allocation storage
3 Stack allocation with dynamic binding
4 Heap allocation
Ans ) 4

9) Which file system does DOS typically use ?
1 FAT16
2 FAT32
Ans ) 1

10) The program is known as _________ which interacts with the inner part of called kernel.
1 Compiler
2 Device Driver
3 Protocol
4 Shell
Ans ) 4

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